Its with a heavy heart RPD Marci has lost his fight with cancer and crossed over the rainbow bridge. Our thoughts are with the Dean family and Marci's handler and a fellow Trustee Neil. 🌈

We are extremely grateful to everyone who has helped support Marci over the last month with kind donations through our GoFundMe page.

Marci was a 10 year old GSD/Mali cross. Marci retired in 2022 after serving as a decorated general purpose dog working alongside PS Billany for the British Transport Police.

Marci was awarded the PDSA Order of Merit for his work in 2017 London Bridge terror attacks.

This was one of many commendation received in his service. An example would be when Marci played a key part in recovering a murder weapon (knife) that was discarded when running from the scene.

Marci was adopted when he reitred by the Dean family. The family have shared a tribute and a short video of the amazing life these dogs have once they are retired. Marci was truely loved. 💙 Read Below ⬇️


Friday was a very hard day in our household. Losing Marci has left a huge hole in our lives, he was a man of routine and our days were focused around him.

Marci's life with us was a rollercoaster ride! We had a few downs but plenty of amazing ups!

Everything he did, he did it quickly and was never too tired to play! I'd like to think he had a great retirement here with us. He had a few holidays, plenty beach trips with ice cream, and many many trips out in his van to many new places.

Marci was a total loveable loony!

His hierarchy of loves were, the van, food, ball, family. He knew how to use each of us for his needs, belly rubs he'd flop out in front of Leah he didn't care if she was busy or not. If he needed a treat he came to me, or just followed me around the kitchen til I'd give in, and Jason he'd bark at for ball / tug with his ball on a rope games, walks and van trips, Marci was very bossy at times.

Many occasions we believed Marci understood English. A prime example being, if I had pate on toast for breakfast I would always smear a bit of extra pate around edge of my plate for him to lick off when I've finished eating. This one morning Marci was asleep on his bed, mid conversation I dropped in, he must be tired because he hasnt come for his pate! within a millisecond he was by my side! He was also very good at answering back especially if we said no he'd say "Ooohh" like a sulky teenager.

Marci cared for us all, he was so clever, extremely loyal, and he could be very protective too. He's saved us from countless fluffy dogs, cats and deer, the postman, delivery men and even sometimes the children's friends.

There is so much more we can tell you about Marci, he was an epic dog and is sorely missed not just by us, but extended family and friends who all fell in love with him, and they feel as proud as we do knowing a hero! We will never get bored of talking about him and will never forget him!

We'd like to finish off saying it has been an honour to have looked after him in his retirement we just wish we had more time with him. Please can you thank Neil for letting us have this pleasure.

The Dean family xxxx

Ps: we decided as a family, any money raised on Marcis behalf through the gofundme is to go back to the rail dogs benevolent fund, to help others like him. We wish to continue to help the RDBF in any way we can in the future.


Voluntary Trustee Expression Of Interest Form


Chairman's Annual Statement 2024